A Festival of Lights
why a festival of lights?
When the Syrian-Greeks entered the Bais Hamikdash (Holy Temple) they contaminated all the [flasks of] oil that were in the Sanctuary. When the dynasty of the Hasmoneans grew strong and conquered them (the enemy) they searched and found only one flask of oil that was placed [in the Sanctuary] with the seal of the Kohen Gadol, High Priest…..(Tractate Shabbos 21b)
Why do we celebrate the miracle of Chanukah which was for only eight days--while there were other seemingly greater miracles that occurred in the Bais HaMikdash daily--and did so for hundreds of years, For instance, the Ner Ma’aravi, Western Light in the Menorah itself stayed lit and unextinguished for years and not only days?! It must be that with the miracle of Chanukah, Hashem is talking to us--showing us that we must learn its lessons--to see the wonders and salvation, and how the darkness itself is the source from where the salvation arises. All events, natural and unnatural, ‘nissim nistarim (hidden miracles) and nissim geluyim’(overt miracles) all merge into one--Hashem’s Will. Let us take this lesson with us --daily--for the rest of our lives!
The Light of the Jewish Soul Glows on Chanukah
Patriarchal Prayers
The name of the holiday