gazing at the neiros chanukah
What does one do when looking at the Neiros?
In his Divrei Aggadah, HaRav Elyashiv writes that one should think about how close we had come to extinguishment of the Menorah--…and how the Chashmonaim did not sit back and wait as it was extinguishing. Instead, the Chashmonaim worked diligently to purify the oil so that after the Tekufah of the Chashmonaim came the Tanoim, the further development of Torah She’Be’al Peh, and ultimately the Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi. Remember--Chanukah is a time to remind ourselves to take action on behalf of Torah--and to actually begin taking that action!
Psokim of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv cited in the HAKHEL NEWSLETTER
In his Divrei Aggadah, HaRav Elyashiv writes that one should think about how close we had come to extinguishment of the Menorah--…and how the Chashmonaim did not sit back and wait as it was extinguishing. Instead, the Chashmonaim worked diligently to purify the oil so that after the Tekufah of the Chashmonaim came the Tanoim, the further development of Torah She’Be’al Peh, and ultimately the Talmud Bavli and Talmud Yerushalmi. Remember--Chanukah is a time to remind ourselves to take action on behalf of Torah--and to actually begin taking that action!
Psokim of Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv cited in the HAKHEL NEWSLETTER
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